What is your body trying to tell you
Our body shows us signs of stress all the time.
* When we don't drink enough water - we may get a headache from dehydration
*When we are nervous or anxious - our palms may sweat or core temperature rises
*When our digestive system is irratated - we may get an upset tummy or bloating
*When we work too long at a desk - we get a sore neck or back etc
*When we get upset or scared - our heart rate increases & blood pressure changes
What is Biofeedback ?

Biofeedback works along the meridian pathways
& the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) using electrical current
to help eliminate inflammation and restore a better
connection flow in the body.
Not only do we read the body with Biofeedback but send electromagnetic frequencies back to stimulate your body's healing response.
The device is connected to a computer and linked to you vie a
head, wrist & ankle straps.
Biofeedback can work with any of the following to name a few:
Allergies, ADHD, Anxiety, Chronic Fatigue, IBS, Migraines, Insomnia, Hormonal, Muscle Injuries, Pain, Inflammation, Weight control
& Skin rejuvenation.
Non-invasive Holistic and Homeopathic Detection
& Reduction of Stress.
What a session looks like

A comprehensive questionnaire is displayed and the patient's, health and lifestyle details are entered.
A Calibration is then performed to measure the body's reactivity & sensitivity. Statistics are then displayed which include Voltage, Amerage, Resistance, Hydration, Oxygen, Electron Pressure, Cellular vitality etc
The main screen Reading is then performed and takes about 3 minutes, working on the evoked potential response of how the person reacts to approximately 10 000 stimuli.
This translate the signals or Bio Resonance into a visual display on a monitor showing either excess or a need. The information is then tabulated and listed in order of the highest reaction.
QUEX S can then be directed to perform more detailed analysis of specific items and relevant issues wanting to be addressed.
Highlight and address any problematic areas that need to be corrected.
The practitioner cannot influence what is being assessed. The electro physical reactions are mathematically catalogued and displayed.

Cannot be treated with Biofeedback if any of the below.
History of Epilepsy
Pregnant Women
Children under 3 yrs age
under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Biofeedback works on reducing stress and work on finding Homostasis in the body. Energetic therapy do not claim to cure or diagnose disease, nor take the place of your Medical Doctor. If you have a medical condition, we commend that you consult your physician of choice, we also may recommend additional test or referrals. we make no claim other than stress detection and stress reduction.